Thursday, December 23, 2010


It's Christmas time!

I'm super excited for the Holidays. Sad as it may be this is the first year that I have felt able to purchase presents for my children... Now that's not all as bad as it sounds. They've had fantastic uncles, aunts, and mostly GRANDPARENTS that have provided very blessed Christmases... Christmases? Christmas'? Christmas-i? Holidays... very blessed holidays.

The one gift I wanted this year was not to feel guilty that I couldn't manage to get my children a measly coloring book or two for Christmas... Well, I prayed to get tires on my car, get my car fixed, and get presents for the kids... And while the gifts aren't very expensive (not that I think kids NEED expensive stuff - just in the $5 - $25 range per present) they do have gifts - an now we can confidently blackmail them with Santa's naughty list and the possible loss of presents this season!!!

In any case I just wanted to point out that I received and that's plenty enough for me this year. I've learned that if you ask you will receive if you believe. Some people who agree may say that its metaphysical, that it is the waves of your mind reinforced by positivity (by belief) going out into the expansive universe and modifying things to make your desire become solid. Some people would describe it as Karma or maybe the payoff of hard work.

Personally, I think it is all of these things: at least I'm in the process of learning that it is. I believe in God - whether or not that is out of fashion or misguided or whatever. I believe in Christ. I believe Him when he says that if you ask in faith you will receive and I believe Him when he says that God knows what you need before you ask. Furthermore, I believe that process is the same as that of sending out your positive desires into the expansive universe and having your reality altered to match your requests (metaphysics), that your hard work pays off (part of why I have feel so good now), and Karma.

This Christmas (actually in October) I decided I wanted to just be led. I have all these dreams and goals and desires - and worrying about them and plotting to accomplish them and fretting about how its going to happen wasn't working.

So, against my stubborn nature I said, "fine, I'll (try to) give it up. You know what I want and I trust that you want the best for me. I also feel that you want me to have what I want to have. So, I'll just try to listen and follow and receive. P.S. Help me know how to listen and follow and receive."

Cause, you see, I believe that God can lead us. Whether he does that personally or gifted us with the ability to hear that inner voice - I don't care. But he can lead us - and when he does he lets you know when its time to work hard (which in my experience is most of the time - "in the sweat of thy face"), what to work at, and when to relax and receive.

In this experience, I just received... I really had no clue how I would have brought about the things I wanted. But they came just the same. And so I am grateful - I still have a lot of changing to do, but I feel like the following years will be fantastic.

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